Samantha prefers to avoid conflict. The blisteringly honest Holly craves it. But these old college roommates haven’t spoken in ages. Then their mutual friend Katie is hospitalized and needs an errand. It’s simple: travel cross-country together, steal Katie’s loathsome ex-husband’s VW camper, find her diabetic Great Pyrenees at a Utah rescue, and drive him back home to Wisconsin. If it’ll make Katie happy, no favor is too big (one hundred pounds), too daunting (two thousand miles), or too illegal (ish). Now on the open road, Samantha and Holly will try to repair their friendship, no matter what it takes. This is a fairly short list, but there are plenty more books about friendship. Female friendships, male friendships, toxic friendships, have at it! Looking for nonfiction or comics? We’ve got those too. If you’re looking to actually make some new friends, well, it’s certainly not always easy. My best advice is to be yourself and ask potential new friends about what good books they’ve read lately. It’s worked for me!

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